2022, Number 1
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (1)
Foreign body aspiration during childhood: management experience in Guayaquil - Ecuador
Fajardo PG, Salinas SV, Acosta FD, Gonzales NJ, Oliveros RJ, Acosta BD
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 82-88
PDF size: 313.74 Kb.
Background: aspiration of foreign bodies in children is a potentially dangerous event;
With the use of the rigid bronchoscopy technique, his mortality has decreased. The
damage of a foreign body stuck in the airway will depend on its nature, location and the
degree of obstruction it causes.
Objective: to present our experience in the diagnosis
and treatment of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in children and adolescents.
between May 2016 and July 2019, 15 cases were analyzed including demographic
characteristics, time of evolution, symptoms, findings on chest X-ray, type, location of
the foreign body and treatment.
Results: 15 patients required rigid bronchoscopy; age
range: 2 months to 168 months, male: female ratio 0.9: 1. The most affected location
was the right bronchus 53%, followed by the trachea 27%, the left bronchus 20%.
The radiological findings corresponded to unilateral hyperinflation 40%, pulmonary
atelectasis 30%, bilateral hyperinflation, lobar atelectasis and pneumonia 13.3%. The
residence time of the foreign body in the airway presented a mean of 168 hours with a
range of 6 to 864 hours. The most frequent symptomatology was cough accompanied
by dyspnea (40%). Foreign bodies were inorganic (73.3%) and organic (26.6%). Overall
survival was 93%.
Conclusion: in children, the clinical and diagnostic suspicion of
foreign body aspiration is indicated. Rigid bronchoscopy is indicated. This treatment
reduces morbidity and mortality.
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