2021, Number 3
Ozone therapy in patients with chronic pelvic pain
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: The feasibility and safety of the use of ozone therapy is evidenced in the results presented by several authors, in diseases whose main symptom is chronic pain.Objective: To determine the clinical evolution of patients with chronic pelvic pain treated with ozone associated with conventional medical treatment.
Methods: Descriptive, observational, retrospective study, in which the clinical evolution of patients with chronic pelvic pain treated from January 2018 to January 2020, with ozone therapy, associated with conventional medical treatment. The sample was 54 women. The variables used were: age, cause of pelvic pain, time of evolution, score on the pain scale before and after the application of ozone therapy, and evaluation of the treatment.
Results: Patients aged 26-35 years prevailed. 57,4 % had between two and four years of pain evolution. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease was the most frequent cause with 42,5 %. Before the application of ozone therapy, the mean score on the pain scale was 6.31, and it decreased to 3 after treatment, with an evaluation of good in 81,1 % of the cases.
Conclusions: After the application of ozone therapy associated with conventional medical treatment, there is evident clinical improvement, which is why it constitutes an alternative of treatment.
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