2021, Number 3
Prevalence and risk factors of dementia syndrome in elderly people
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 528.01 Kb.
Introduction: Population-based studies carried out in Cuba have permitted to evidence the high numbers of dementia diseases (between 6.4% and 10.8%) that increasingly affect the daily lives of many people and their families.Objective: To estimate prevalence and risk factors of dementia syndrome in elderly people.
Methods: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study carried out, in the period 2016-2018, with 249 people aged 65 years or older and their caregivers, who belonged to 27 de Noviembre Polyclinic of Marianao Municipality and selected through intentional sampling. Neuropsychological tests were applied to participants and respondents, as well as a sociodemographic and risk factor survey. The prevalence of dementia was estimated according to the variables studied (age, sex, education level, marital relationship, family history of dementia and active social life) and Poisson regression was used to search for associations between risk factors and dementia syndrome.
Results: 12.1% of the study population had dementia syndrome; Alzheimer's dementia was the most frequent, accounting for 70% of the cases. The prevalence was higher in the group aged 80 years and older (23.3%), in females (12.7% vs. 10.6%), as well as in participants without a marital relationship (15.7% vs. 9, 5%), and decreased with the increase in education level (0% in university students and 33.3% in non-university students).
Conclusions: The prevalence of dementia was high in the studied population. Older ages, the female sex, a low education level and not having a marital relationship were risk factors associated with the disease.
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