2021, Number 3
Epidemiological characteristics of nonspecific febrile syndrome in Nueva Paz Municipality, Mayabeque Province
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-16
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Objective: To determine the epidemiological characteristics of nonspecific febrile syndrome.Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study carried put, in the period January-December 2018, in patients with an initial diagnosis of nonspecific febrile syndrome from Nueva Paz Municipality, Mayabeque Province. The universe consisted of 828 cases. The data obtained from the Municipal Unit of Hygiene and Epidemiology as well as from the arbovirus diseases database were emptied into a form created for this purpose. Quantitative variables were summarized using arithmetic mean and standard deviation, while qualitative variables were summarized using percentages. The comparison of proportions was made through chi-square and Duncan's tests, with a level of significance P<0.05.
Results: There was a predominance of the female sex (55.08%) and ages under eighteen years (33.93%). A greater number of focuses were found in the health area of Los Palos (53.44%), where a greater amount of nonspecific febrile syndrome was reported (50.60%). The months of May, July and October accounted for higher numbers of outbreaks. Surveillance was 61.7% with reactivity at 56.50%. 48.06% of the cases classified as dengue.
Conclusions: Failure to comply with vector control programs, unplanned urban planning, accelerated population growth and the existence of a deficient health infrastructure have allowed great-scale arbovirus infections to proliferate in Nueva Paz Municipality.
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