2021, Number 3
Cost benefit of acetaminophen in tablet in pharmaceutical establishments of Lima
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-12
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Introduction: The economics of medicines can be considered as the detailed economic study and calculation of the treatment, which helps to satisfy the needs of the patient according to the cost, benefit, and efficacy of said medicine.Objective: The objective of the research was to evaluate if the economic valuation of the acetaminophen 500 mg. tablet will allow to know the benefit in the cost of the drug in pharmaceutical establishments in Lima.
Methods: The research presents a non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical design. Population: 25 DIGEMID workers with knowledge of pharmacoeconomics; sample: 100% of the population. A Likert scale questionnaire was used for the evaluation, based on the two quantitative variables: Economic valuation and Cost-benefit. Statistical processing was carried out using the SPSS v.25 program.
Results: From a total of 44 presentations of acetaminophen tablets sold in 41 districts of Lima, seven presentations have been obtained that offer the product at a high price, these being not beneficial and reaching 15.9%, 37 establishments were found They offer the drug at a helpful average price reaching 84.1%.
Conclusions: The pharmacoeconomics applied to the drug acetaminophen 500 mg tablet presentation allowed us to know that this product has a low to moderate cost, making it affordable to the low-income population. Likewise, the economic evaluation carried out will allow decision-making at the time of purchase, which will enable the people to identify the price.
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