2021, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2021; 40 (3)
Tools for the study of sudden cardiovascular death
Ochoa MLA, Araujo GRE, González LM, Ferrer MD, Tamayo VND
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 497.25 Kb.
Half of all cardiovascular deaths are due to sudden cardiovascular death, one of the manifestations with the greatest impact and significance in the realm of ischemic heart disease.
Describe the Diagnostic Algorithm and the Primary Data Collection Model used as tools to study sudden cardiovascular death in Cuba.
A presentation is made of a Diagnostic Algorithm for the study of sudden cardiovascular death cases accompanied by the corresponding methodology, and a Primary Data Collection Model with the main sociodemographic, clinical and anatomopathological variables.
The Sudden Death Research Team has used the Diagnostic Algorithm and Primary Data Collection Model herein presented as a scientific research tool for a period of 25 years (1995-2020). Of the 33 718 deaths by natural causes studied with these tools, 2 252 have been sudden, representing 6.6% of the overall mortality recorded.
Research teams should have access to tools for the conduct of population studies about sudden cardiovascular death, considering that 90% of the events recorded annually occur in this risk group.
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