2021, Number 3
An alternative dynamic for scientific research development from the perspective of the Basic Biomedical Sciences Branch Section in Artemisa
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 302.31 Kb.
Introduction: The work of the Artemisa branch section of the Cuban Society of Basic Biomedical Sciences is aimed at training human resources and improving the competence and performance of its members in their teaching and medical practice.Objective: Describe the contribution of the Basic Biomedical Sciences Branch Section in Artemisa to the scientific research development of its professionals.
Methods: A descriptive analytical study was conducted in the province of Artemisa in the year 2019. The study universe and sample coincided, since all the members of the Provincial Basic Biomedical Sciences Branch Section participated in the research. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used.
Results: The Artemisa Branch Section has 35 members: 18 physicians (51.4%), nine graduated nurses (25.7%) and eight professionals from other fields (22.8%). No health technologist or dentist is affiliated. All the scientific activities were attended by a large number of members and their participation was active. Methodological meetings were the most common type of scientific event.
Conclusions: The Artemisa Branch Section fosters quality in care, training and research from the start of the teaching-learning process to the continuing education of graduates. It is likewise a fundamental pillar of graduate training, contributing to the development of teaching and research skills in the health professionals of the province.
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