2023, Number 1
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID): systematic review of case studies
Language: English
References: 62
Page: 71-84
PDF size: 188.25 Kb.
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) has a complex clinical presentation. Since its recognition in the DSM-5, investigations have provided data of this condition, however, its treatment has mostly been reported in case studies. Therefore, the objective of the present study was analyzed clinical characteristics and clinical interventions reported in case reports and case series studies of ARFID, from a literature review according to the PRISMA and CARE guidelines. In total, 41 articles were examined, most of the reported cases were males (53.85%) with ages between 10 to 13 (29.23%), although, 15.38% of the cases had an age range of 20 to 56. Regarding their symptoms, the most frequent was underweight (66.15%), however, 3.08% of these patients were overweight linked to carbohydrate consumption. The most frequent psychiatric comorbidities were anxiety disorders (38.46%). Lastly, the most widely used was hospital treatment (46.34%), with a multidisciplinary approach (65.85%) and as for the most used psychological intervention was Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (21.95%).REFERENCES
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