2023, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2023; 13 (1)
The consumption of sweet drinks differentially increases the expression of oxytocin in hypothalamic nuclei
López-Alonso VE, Díaz-Urbina D, Hernández-Correa S, Monreal-González LM, Escartín-Pérez RE, Mancilla-Díaz JM
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 438.42 Kb.
The role of oxytocin in feeding control is recognized, but its mechanism of action has not been fully
established. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of intermittent access to a
sucrose solution on the expression of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and supraotic nucleus (SON)
neurons that produce oxytocin (Oxt), and to characterize the microstructure of drinking behavior in
satiated rats. Three groups of male Wistar rats satiated were used, and in the first hour at the beginning
of the light period, a Control group had water, a Restricted group 5g of a 20% sucrose solution
and Ad libitum group with free access to sucrose solution. The experimental subjects increased the
consumption of the sucrose solution despite being satiated, due to the interruption of the state of
satiety and the delay of the satiation process. Oxt neurons increased their activity in both nuclei, in
the Restricted group the highest expression was observed in the SON and in the Ad libitum group
in the PVN. No correlation was found between the amount of drink ingested and the activity of Oxt
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