2023, Number 01
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (01)
Concordance in cytological, colposcopic and histological findings in premalignant lesions of the cervix
Mayorga-Bautista CD, Hidalgo-Martínez SM, Romo-Rodríguez MR, Villareal-Ríos E, Robledo-Abarca OM
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 32-38
PDF size: 188.97 Kb.
Objective: To determine the concordance in cytologic, colposcopic and histopathologic
findings in premalignant lesions of the uterine cervix.
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional, retrospective and comparative study,
carried out in the dysplasia clinic of the Hospital General Regional 1 of the state of
Querétaro, Mexico, from January 1 to December 2020, based on information from
the records of women with cytology, colposcopy and histopathology (biopsy) report
with low- and high-grade intraepithelial lesion. The statistical analysis plan included
confidence intervals for averages and percentages. The weighted Kappa Index was
used to determine the level of concordance.
Results: Two hundred and ninety records were analyzed. The mean age of the patients
was 36 years, the weighted kappa index was k = 0.41 (95%CI: 0.33-0.53) for cytology
and colposcopy with a moderate value (fair). For cytology and biopsy, it was k= 0.33
(95%CI: 0.22-0.49) with a poor value (medium). For colposcopy and biopsy, it was k
= 0.61 (95%CI: 0.49-0.72) with a value of good (substantial) agreement.
Conclusions: Between cytology and colposcopy the concordance coefficient was
moderate, for cytology and biopsy it was poor, while for colposcopy and biopsy it
was a substantial.
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