2023, Number 01
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (01)
Influence of maternal age on perinatal and maternal outcomes
Sánchez-González MJ, Crespo-Naranjo JA, Montes de Oca-González S
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 233.41 Kb.
Objetive: To describe and compare the influence of maternal age on maternal and
perinatal outcomes.
Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective, single-center, retrospective
study in which all deliveries that occurred in the year 2020 in a Spanish hospital were
collected. The age of the women was categorized into three groups (1: under 35 years;
2: more or less older than 35 years and younger than 40 years; 3: older than 40 years).
Results: A study population of 1700 women was assembled and found a clear correlation
between advanced maternal age and risk of cesarean section and a nonsignificant
trend toward a higher number of instrumented deliveries. Advanced maternal age is a
risk factor for various pregnancy-related diseases and poor perinatal outcomes. Since
the current trend shows an increase in this type of pregnancies, it is essential to know
the obstetric risks in order to correctly inform and advise pregnant women and to carry
out the pertinent actions to avoid the most frequent complications.
Conclusions: There is a higher rate of caesarean section in advanced age pregnancies
after the confounding factors were adjusted. Fetal outcomes are not affected by
maternal age, as well as other perinatal events.
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