2021, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2021; 37 (3)
Adverse drug events during the induction treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children
Gil AM, Year AIB, González OA
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 576.62 Kb.
During the induction treatment of acute lymphoid leukemia in children, adverse drug reactions are not always identified.
Describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of children with acute lymphoid leukemia who receive induction treatment at the Institute of Hematology and Immunology between 2012-2017. Characterize adverse events that occur during induction treatment. Describe adverse drug reactions during induction.
Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of case series in pharmacovigilance, used active pharmacovigilance. Variables: sex, age, prognosis group, week of treatment, type of adverse event, organ system affected, severity and imputability. The information was obtained from the national register of the ALLIC-BFM 2009 protocol and the medical records.
69 children were included, 55.1% belonged to the male sex, 56.5% were between one and six years old. 52.2% (36 children) belonged to the intermediate prognosis group. 471 events were recorded. 50.5% occurred in the first week of treatment. The most frequent: anemia (17.8%), neutropenia (16.1%) and thrombocytopenia (15.9%). The most affected organ systems: hemolinfopoietic (57.5%) and gastrointestinal (15.7%). According to the severity, 72.4% were moderate and 27.4% severe.
The whole presented adverse events, hematological alterations and reported events for drugs included in chemotherapy predominated. Adverse reactions classified as possible were identified, moderate and severe predominated.
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