2023, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2023; 34 (1)
Sampling and monitoring methods for adult Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae), vectors of the causative agents of the leishmaniases
Rebollar-Téllez EA, Ibáñez-Bernal S
Language: Spanish
References: 157
Page: 59-75
PDF size: 445.45 Kb.
Phlebotomine sandflies are the vectors of different species of the genus
Leishmania, which are the aethiological agents of the varied clinical forms
of the leishmaniases. The main risk factor for transmission to humans is the
contact with vectors, so the activities of vector incrimination and understanding
of vectorial capacities are very important aspects in the epidemiology of
disease. Therefore, it is very relevant to be able to estimate with precision
the presence, abundance, biting-rate, infection-rate, age-structure, etc.,
to evaluate the risk for transmission of
Leishmania spp. and that gathered
information could be analyzed and comprehended for those decision-making
personnel in relation to public health policies. However, in order for that
field information to be useful to the health sector or research proposes, the
population estimates would be unbiassed in relation to the captures of species
of medical importance or the biological assemblage. The main objective
of the present contribution is to present a descriptive review of the most
common sampling and monitoring methods for phlebotomine sandflies based
on published papers, highlighting field studies conducted in Mexico and
discussing each sampling method for advantages and disadvantages as well
as interpretations. Lastly, the general aspects of sampling and population
inference are discussed, and future research perspectives are mentioned.
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