2023, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2023; 34 (1)
Educational strategy to increase knowledge of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Chankom, Yucatan, Mexico
Sosa-Bibiano EI, Alejandro-Chay JN, Loría-Cervera EN, López-Ávila B, Rodríguez-Solís G, Torres-Castro JR
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 4-12
PDF size: 109.08 Kb.
Introduction. Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) is endemic in
the Yucatan peninsula, mainly in the states of Campeche and Quintana
Roo. However, since 2015, the Yucatan Health Services have reported
the presence of autochthonous cases of LCL in municipalities in the
east of the state, including Chankom; suggesting the presence of an
emerging focus. Therefore, it is pertinent to make the inhabitants aware
of the health problem that affects them, through educational prevention
Objective. To implement an educational strategy for the prevention of
LCL in Chankom, Yucatán.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out from March 2018
to December 2019. A knowledge questionnaire was applied before and
after the educational strategy. The strategy included workshops with
playful activities on clinical manifestations, habitat, sites of infection,
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention measures for leishmaniasis.
Results. There were 35 participants; mainly women (88.6%, 31/35),
mostly housewives 93.4% (29/31). The main activity for men was
agriculture. None of the participants had knowledge about LCL.
Twenty-one participants (60%) scored above 80% in the knowledge
test applied 4 months after the workshops. The aspects most frequently
answered correctly (›90%) were mode of transmission, common name
and place where the vector lives, population at risk and prevention
Conclusion. Knowledge about leishmaniasis was increased in
Chankom, Yucatán.
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