2021, Number 2
Why to link the chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease with the absence of metabolic control of a patient suffering from diabetes?
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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Introduction: The association between Diabetes Mellitus and periodontopathies has been reported in numerous studies. It is accepted that the interrelation between the two is bidirectional. A high percentage of epidemiological studies, as well as studies in experimental animals, suggest that the presence of one condition tends to increase the risk and severity of the other.Objective: Consolidate theoretical nuclei and clinical evidence that clarify the relationship between chronic immune-mediated inflammatory periodontal disease and the metabolic decontrol of the diabetic patient.
Methods: A review of the available literature was performed through the automated search in the following databases: PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar, in the period January-June 2020. The search strategy was carried out through the title, abstract and keywords levels of the articles, with the use of logic connectors. Review, research and meta-analysis articles and by Cuban and international authors ones were assessed and that make specific reference to the studied topic through the title.
Results: 29 scientific texts were selected; those were written in Spanish and English, published between 2005 and 2019, of which 27 were articles from a scientific journal and 2 were textbooks.
Conclusions: Most of the publications reviewed on the subject endorse the relation between periodontal disease and diabetic metabolic decontrol, based on clinical and hemochemical studies. There are researchers who suggest continuity of studies to improve methodologies, clarify theories and oversize the association. The evaluation of periodontopathies as a risk factor for the metabolic decontrol of the diabetic must go from a question to a promotional, preventive and therapeutic strategy.
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