2022, Number 6
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2022; 43 (6)
Zinc sulfate as an adjunct to the treatment of children hospitalized for pneumonia. Randomized clinical trial
Kassisse-EL Hage EI, Rodríguez-Rodríguez Y, Mayo-Márquez N
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 335-346
PDF size: 279.41 Kb.
Introduction: The results regarding the use of zinc in children hospitalized for
pneumonia remain contradictory.
Objetive: To demonstrate the efficacy of zinc as an adjuvant.
Material and Method: Double blind randomized clinical trial in children under
5 years of age. Zinc sulfate or placebo was administered orally. The children received
10mg / day or 20mg / day of zinc according to their age administered for 14 days.
Clinical and laboratory variables were recorded at admission, at 72 hours, and at day
7. The sample consisted in 100 patients per group The primary variable was the time
necessary for the resolution of pneumonia and secondary variables, the time for the
resolution of clinical indicators, therapeutic failure, and adverse effects. The variables
were contrasted using the student’s t test or Mann-Whitney test and the test χ
2. Statistical
significance was considered with a value of p ‹0.05.
Results: The group that received zinc, showed a shorter time of resolution of pneumonia
72 vs 120 hours (p‹0.001) as well as the hours necessary to normalize each
indicator clinical pneumonia (p‹0.001). Similarly, the hospital stay was shorter [(median
5 (4.8-5.2) vs 9 (8.3-9.7) (p‹0.001)] as well as the risk of therapeutic failure, the relative
risk was 0.17 CI 95 (0,07- 0.38) p‹0,001. There were no significant differences in the
appearance of adverse effects [relative risk 1.67 CI 95 (0.77-3.63)].
Conclusion: The addition of zinc to general therapy in children with pneumonia
proved to be effective without relevant adverse events.
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