2021, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2021; 35 (3)
An experience in distance teaching of the guide for a good prescription in dental medicine
Fernández GA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 290.44 Kb.
The new teaching methods of Pharmacology focus on allowing the student to face situations close to reality.
To describe the resultsin distance teaching of the Guide for a Good Prescription in the Pharmacology course of the Dental Medicine major.
Descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study carried out, during the period April-June 2020, at Havana Dental School. Twenty-two second-academic yearstudents (59.45%) were selected. The Guide for a Good Prescription was applied in the topic Pharmacological bases of dental therapy of infection. Technological tools of distance education were used, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Good results predominated in the reasoned prescription process (45.46%). The best applied steps of the Guide for a Good Prescriptionwere inventory of pharmacological groups (95.45%) and efficacy/effectiveness criterion (90.91%). The steps with the greatest difficulty were related to written prescription, due to omission of data in the prescription writing (72.73%), as well as the written management method (72.73%).
Most of the students obtained excellent and good results in the application of the Guide for a Good Prescriptionin the distance modality. It is important to improve the teaching methods of Pharmacology that increase the students’ abilityto solve problems and take advantage of information and communication technologies in modern university models.
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