2021, Number 3
Medical training concerning capacities, based on the setting-related needs
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 283.46 Kb.
Introduction: Critical analysis and modification of medical training in Colombia is a matter of great relevance in the university educational system. Educational and training processes for physicians cannot be ignored by current realities, in contemporary contexts and considering the different needs that have determined the new legal, political, economic and cultural conditions.Objective: To identify the needs in medical training in the field of skills, according to the needs of the environment, in the Medicine major’s program of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Manizales.
Methods: An exploratory, diagnostic and descriptive study, with an analytical empirical approach, based on questions validated by experts and used in focus groups. The data and information obtained were structurally analyzed through ATLAS.ti, to obtain emerging categories. These were described through semantic networks, which, in a complementary way, were confronted with empirical categories.
Results: The results specified that the medical profession as an occupation fundamentally attends to the conventional definition of competences, which expresses that these are know-how in context. Capabilities such as: proactivity, decision making, empathy, researched profile and communication skills were found as the most important profiles.
Conclusions: The study showed the importance of guiding comprehensive medical training with a flexible program of studies, in which problematic educational processes can occur. Likewise, the relevance of the practice was evidenced.
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