2022, Number 4
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2022; 41 (4)
Senolíticos, fármacos para prevenir el deterioro asociado al envejecimiento
Belmont A, Olascoaga-Del Angel KS, Königsberg M
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 127-139
PDF size: 369.86 Kb.
Cellular senescence is one of the hallmarks that contribute to aging at the cellular
level. Senescent cells secrete a set of cytokines and chemokines that damage tissues
and have been related to the establishment of several age-associated pathologies. It
has recently been reported that eliminating senescent cells from tissues decreases
age-related effects and improves the quality of life of experimental animals. This has
generated an intemperate search to find drugs or molecules that selectively eliminate
senescent cells and that can be used in humans without causing side effects.
These molecules are known as senolytics. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to
discuss the advances regarding the elimination of senescent cells by different types
of senolytics. The repositioning of drugs to find senolytics will be analyzed, as well
as the use of molecules obtained from natural products, and the results of the first
clinical studies that are already being carried out with patients will be discussed.
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