2021, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2021; 20 (3)
Genesis and evolution of lumbar epidural anesthesia in its first century
Fleitas SCR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 314.48 Kb.
Lumbar epidural anesthesia is the technique preferred by a great number of anesthesiologists. It allows performing several surgical interventions and is useful for the treatment of acute and chronic pain; at the same time, it provides the patient with different benefits. It ls also worth highlighting its versatility, since it can be combined with other anesthetic methods, as well as to be extended for postoperative pain relief.
To describe the scientific advances that led to the appearance of lumbar epidural anesthesia and what has been the evolution of this anesthetic technique over a century.
the Spanish surgeon Fidel Pagés published lumbar access to the epidural space for anesthetic purposes in March 1921. After a decade in oblivion, the Italian surgeon Archile Dogliotti introduced it, in 1931. From then on, it has been incorporated several valuable advances.
Dr. Pagés described lumbar epidural anesthesia a century ago. The contributions achieved have been varied and numerous, some of which have been the subject of controversy; however, it has become a universal technique that continues to capture the preference of many anesthesiologists.
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