2021, Number 3
Anesthetic management of a patient with essential trombocythemia
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 238.84 Kb.
Essential thrombocythemia is part of the group of myeloproliferative neoplasms. It is characterized by microvascular and vasomotor symptoms, platelet count over 450x109/L, megakaryocytic proliferation with large and mature morphology, absence of erythroid and granulocytic proliferation, demonstration of JAK2V617F or other clonal marker, and absence of evidence of reactive thrombocytosis. Anesthetic management is reported in a patient, whose case’s main considerations are related to the prevention of hemorrhagic and thrombotic events. Aspirin suspension, maintenance of hydroxyurea treatment, preparation with tranexamic acid, pre- and post-operative use of fraxiparin, adequate hydration, use of elastic stockings in lower limbs, early ambulation, good surgical hemostasis, as well as availability of platelet concentrates are the fundamental elements in the anesthetic management of this patient.REFERENCES
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Guevara Montero MA, Pérez-Ong J, Vera Delgado J, Saldierna Jiménez E. Plaquetoféresis terapéutica para el manejo de trombocitemia esencial, reporte de caso y revisión del método. Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab. 2020[acceso: 10/11/2020];67(2):81-84. Disponible en: https://www.medigraphic.com/cgi-bin/new/resumen.cgi?IDARTICULO=95551
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