2022, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2022; 39 (2)
Presence of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the adolescent and its associated impact to the consumption of substances
Hernández-Lira S, Reyes-Gómez U, Reyes-Hernández KL, Perea-Martínez A, Reyes-Hernández MU, Aguilar-Román AB, Pineda-Gordillo A, Hernández-Lira I, López-Cruz G, Quero-Hernández A, Ríos-GallardoPT, Mayrel-Santiago-Lagunes L, Yalaupari-Mejía JP, Arellano-Galindo J
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 56-62
PDF size: 209.74 Kb.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is
the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of
childhood, characterized by distractibility, disinhibition,
impulsivity and hyperactivity, which if not detected
in the child’s age, it can prevail adolescence and
adulthood, where clinical characteristics of impulsivity
and inattention are more frequent, since hyperactivity
decreases with age. This disorder presents
multiple comorbidities, among the most important is
the use of substance, starting at an early age and that
is perpetuated throughout the life of the individual,
reaching a significant impact causing dysfunction in
multiple areas where the individual develops. Once it
detected this common dual pathology is necessary
to initiate a multidisciplinary treatment where there
should be a pharmacological treatment that associated
with cognitive behavioral therapy reinsert the patient
into adequate global functionality.
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