2022, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2022; 39 (2)
Expanded Neonatal Screen for cystic fibrosis: A diagnosis within the reach of preventive medicine
Matos-Alviso LJ, Reyes-Hernández KL, Reyes-Gómez U, Vargas-Mosso ME, Aguilar-Román AB, Pineda-Gordillo A, Quero-Hernández A, López-Cruz G, Reyes-Hernández MU, Yalaupari-Mejía JP, González-Arenas E, Hernández-Lira I, Soria-Saavedra FM, Baeza Casillas JA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 52-55
PDF size: 140.45 Kb.
The expanded Neonatal Sieve, which includes measuring
immunoreactive trypsinogen levels for cystic
fibrosis screening, is part of a more important public
health effort and strategy (after vaccines) achieved in
preventive medicine. It offers the opportunity to timely
identify the probable carriers of the disease, allowing
the diagnosis to be made in a pre-symptomatic stage
to initiate treatment and timely follow-up avoiding
major complications with short and long-term clinical
benefit. The neonatal CF sieve is performed by measuring
the amount of immunoreactive trypsinogen in
neonatal blood samples obtained by heel puncture.
However, despite being mandatory by the health law,
it is not yet practiced in all newborns in our country.
The neonatal sieve is not a diagnostic test. Patients
with out-of-range results or with the presence of signs
or symptoms suggestive of CF should undergo an investigation
process and a sweat test for screening for
more accurate detection.
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