2021, Number 3
Abortion in adolescence, a challenge as a current biopsychosocial problem for Primary Health Care
Language: Spanish
References: 35
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The impact of abortion as a social and psychological problem is a subject dealt with in all its dimensions, as well as its world situation and especially the current Cuban one. Research works take into account different latitudes such as their characterization, the justifications for the decision to abort, as well as their economic and biopsychosocial repercussions. Sexual and reproductive education can help prevent abortion from becoming a contraceptive method as such, which represents a problem that compromises the reproductive health of adolescents both from a biological, psychological, and social point of view, but from another point of view, choice in decision-making in the face of an unwanted pregnancy that leads to the performance of this procedure, one of the main reasons being not feeling prepared to be mothers at that time.REFERENCES
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