2021, Number 3
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Mul Med 2021; 25 (3)
Infertility, a health problem in the population from Niquero
Gutiérrez LJI, Rodríguez RR, Garcés EJV, Lanz RA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 169.29 Kb.
infertility constitute a medical-social problem of reproductive health. Niquero municipality is not an exception.
to characterize the infertility in Niquero municipality during 2018.
a cross-sectional, observational descriptive study was carried out. The universe was formed by 275 couples, and the sample comprises 114. The type of sampling was a non-probabilistic. The ages and sex, type and time of infertility, actual condition, and risks factors´ in couples were the variables analyzed. As statistical methods, the distribution of absolute frequencies and percentages were used.
the group comprising 30-34 years old prevailed in infertile women, 42,1%, among the males the group with more than 35 years old, with 36,8%. Among the types of infertility, secondary was the most prominent in the distribution for feminine, 62, 3%, and the primary was diagnosed in 53,5%. Predominantly the couples with 3-6 years of infertility, 46,5 %; 55, 3% had in passive situation and 8, 8 % of them got pregnant and had their birth. Vaginal infections, was the most important risk factor, 59, 6%.
infertility in the couples studied was mainly found in best ages for reproduction, prevailing secondary infertility in the females and primary for the men. The major percentage of couples was in passive condition. Infertility between 3-6 years was the mostly associated. Vaginal infection was the predominant factor.
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