2023, Number 1
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2023; 27 (1)
Relationship between microbiota composition and essential hypertension. A narrative review
Rosario-Castro S, Rojas-García D, Pilar SI
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 65-79
PDF size: 183.14 Kb.
Essential arterial hypertension is a highly prevalent pathology worldwide
and is one of the most significant determinants of cardiovascular disease. On the
other hand, great interest has been generated in the microbiota of the body, and
how it is altered by both internal and external factors, causing dysbiosis. Currently,
the effect of the microbiota in different diseases is being studied, including the
relationship between the microbiota and hypertension. In this article, a review of
the literature was made, between 2010 and 2021, with the objective of identifying
the scientific evidence that supports the relationship between the composition
of the microbiota and essential arterial hypertension. It was found in many studies
that individuals with high blood pressure had lower microbiota diversity compared
to healthy control groups. In hypertensive patients, bacteria of the genus
Prevotella were mainly found, while in the control group the genus Bacteroidetes
predominated. Additionally, a decrease in Faecalibacterium, Roseburia and Bifidobacterium
was observed in the hypertensive group. There are several laboratory
techniques for the analysis of the intestinal bacterial population, such as 16S rRNA
subunit sequencing, whole genome sequencing, and microbiota metagenomics.
Despite the fact that the studies conclude that there is a significant relationship between
microbiota and hypertension, it is necessary to do more research in different
population groups.
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