2021, Number 3
Etiology associated with tooth enamel defects in 3-11-year-old children
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 390-400
PDF size: 543.42 Kb.
Introduction: Defects of dental enamel development appear at an early age; their etiology is attributed to multiple conditions that act in the different stages of the child's life.Objective: To describe the etiological conditions associated with tooth enamel defects in the 3-11-year-old population of the La Habana del Este municipality.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the period September 2016 to June 2019. The universe was made up of 2 197 children, 3-11 years of age from the municipality of Habana del Este, with temporary or permanent dentition, with or without tooth involvement with some kind of enamel defect; Each child underwent a clinical examination of the oral complex and for the etiological association a questionnaire was applied to the mothers. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and as a summary measure the number and percentage, represented in tables.
Results: The prevalence of enamel anomalies was 21.98 %, with a predominance of the 6-11-year-old group (11.42 %). Maternal age 21-25 years (25.47 %) and breastfeeding 5-7 months (32.30 %) contributed the greatest number of defects. The associated etiological conditions were allergy (40.17 %) and drug ingestion (52.17 %).
Conclusions: Enamel development defects were found in less than a quarter of the studied population. Young adult mothers and those who breastfed between five and seven months contributed the highest figures. Drug ingestion and allergies were found among the most represented associated etiological conditions.
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