2022, Number 3
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2022; 42 (3)
SARS-COV-2associated with pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome: on purpose of two cases
Sánchez GJM, Castellanos MJM, Portillo GJH, Castellanos-Gutiérrez A, Lazcano BS
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 106-114
PDF size: 258.71 Kb.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, most publications have documented that approximately 97-98% of registered
cases occurred in adults, with greater severity and complications in those with comorbidities. Of the remaining
percentage (2 to 3%) that occurred in children, the majority had mild or asymptomatic infection or mild respiratory
symptoms. However, cases have been documented in children who developed severe manifestations, characterized
by a multisystemic inflammatory process, even in sometimes defined as atypical or incomplete Kawasaki
disease type. Over time, new findings have been incorporated whose clinical characteristics include persistent
fever, multiorgan involvement, with elevated inflammatory biomarkers, which has been described as a pediatric
multisystemic inflammatory syndrome (PMIS). In recent times, with the presence of the omicron variant, infections
and incidence in children in our country have increased, also presenting with a greater number of warning signs and
symptoms, as well as their severity. We review the literature of similar cases, highlighting the importance of timely
diagnosis, more useful biomarkers, and follow-up. We describe the clinical picture, treatment and evolution of two
cases infected by SARS-COV-2 with a compatible process due to its clinical characteristics associated with moderate
PMIS. With the aim of alerting about the greater occurrence in children of the pmis and promoting the best timely
treatment and inquiring about the reduction of sequelae in the medium and long term, as well as the probability of
organic damage and therefore years of life with disability.
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