2022, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2022; 17 (1)
Ethics of gene editing in humans
Penchaszadeh VB
Language: Spanish
References: 21
PDF size: 149.68 Kb.
Purpose/Context. This article discusses ethical aspects of gene editing in humans.
Methodology/Approach. The main applications of genetic technology in the
prevention, diagnosis and therapeutics of genetic diseases in recent decades, are
described, culminating with genetic editing.
Results/Findings. The main ethical aspects of somatic and germline gene editing
in humans are discussed, including issues of safety, specificity, precision and certainty.
Germline genetic editing and human “enhancement” are criticized for violating
individual autonomy, for generating heritable genetic changes in the progeny
and for accepting the fallacy of genetic reductionism that people’s traits depend
exclusively on genetic makeup, independent of the environment.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. Somatic gene editing can be ethical
if the ethical standards of biomedical research are followed. However, germline
genetic editing is not relevant nor necessary for the treatment of genetic diseases
and, furthermore, it presents serious ethical conflicts. Therefore, prior to its
application, a social consensus is necessary, obtained by democratic, broad and
profound discussions among all the social players involved, followed by governance
mechanisms with robust regulation by the state, which prevent the violation of
fundamental human rights.
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