2022, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2022; 17 (1)
Ethics and negotiations for access to vaccines: methodological and ethical excepcionalism
Vidal SM
Language: Spanish
References: 45
PDF size: 206.76 Kb.
Purpose/Context. This article discusses the various factors that have affected access
to vaccines for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection, with particular attention to
the interests involved in the negotiations. An analysis of the processes of vaccine
research, production, procurement, distribution, and marketing is detailed, as well as
the international ethical standards that guide these practices.
Methodology/Approach. Similarly, a framework of scientific, methodological, ethical
and legal exceptions for research, production and commercialization of vaccines
is identified, while the rules imposed by the global market system regarding intellectual
property protection (TRIPS), negotiations and contracts, defense of private and
corporate interests have been maintained and deepened without exceptions. It also
highlights the role played by the richest countries, accumulating more doses than
necessary, which seriously impacted the access of low-income countries.
Results/Findings. The international ethical norms and agreements made by governments
that should limit conducts such as these, avoid their consequences and that
have not been complied with, are analyzed.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. It concludes with a concrete proposal that
could alleviate the current situation and includes a reflection on the impact on the
life and health of the most vulnerable countries and groups, if the international order
continues to be governed by the global market system instead of a new and fairer
global agreement.
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