2022, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (6)
Towards a unified curriculum system based on a public health holistic approach. Renovation of the academic programs at the School of Public Health of Mexico
Ferreira-Guerrero EE, Galván-Portillo MV, Ángeles-Llerenas A, Bahena-Botello A, Llano-Tapia GC, López-Carrillo L, Lazcano-Ponce E, Rodríguez MH
Language: English
References: 22
Page: 624-633
PDF size: 523.36 Kb.
Public health training cannot be practiced in isolation, but
rather within the framework of substantive conceptual
visions, the organizational structure and teaching culture
in a broad sense. The School of Public Health of Mexico
(ESPM), in the mist of its 100th anniversary, is implementing
an educational restructure with the guidance of conceptual
and ethical principles. The restructure of the academic programs
will follow a constructivist pedagogical model, based
on renewed institutional practices that integrates research,
teaching and community outreach, making for truly transformative
learning. The new design of the whole structure of its
academic programs has the objetive of making them flexible,
less technical-based but more practical, and a within an unified
curricular system that articulates and allows continuity
between master’s degrees and doctorates programs. In the
new structure, the curriculum will have a common core
for all the academic programs, emerging from the study of
the essential bases of public health, human rights, including gender and social perspectives, principles of global health,
ethics of public health practice, environmental and animal
health inferences and community outreach in the form of
social retribution. The Institute’s research groups will be the
functional units for investigation and teaching, thus students
will be integrated into these at an early stage, under the
guidance of a tutor. In this context, the requirements for a
comprehensive, unifying and at the same time flexible curriculum
will support training of Public Health with a holistic
approach. The current programs were analyzed including the
review of their courses, regarding the pertinence of their
contents and proposed competencies. We present herein a
description of these observations, and propose a new common
core (conceptual-operative) with compulsory courses
as the base for all programs. The participation of all academic
bodies in reviewing the proposed new common core, as well
as the syllabus and courses, identified those that are essential
in each program’s study concentration area, is indicated.
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