2004, Number 1
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Acta Ortop Mex 2004; 18 (1)
Isometric exercises of fixed angle vs variable angle in patients with osteoarthritic knee
Barrera-Beltrán K, Chávez-Arias DD, Diez-García MP, Coronado-Zarco R, León-Hernández S, Pérez-Medina R
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 0. Kb.
Objective: To study the impact of training in the functionality of patients using fixed and variable angle isometrics on the quadriceps with osteoarthritic knees, and its relation with the total work realized, peak torque and the specific torque angle at which the muscle is strengthened. Included 37 female patients between the ages of 45 – 65 with osteoarthritic knee. They were randomly placed in one of two groups, both underwent a strengthening program with isometric exercises for six weeks: variable angle group – 21 patients; fixed angle group – 16 patients. The training was conducted twice a week for 6 weeks. An isokinetic measurement of the quadriceps and the WOMAC functional evaluation scale were completed before and after the training. The WOMAC, total work and peak torque, showed significant differences after the training. The average torque obtained at the different grades of knee flexion, for those who completed strengthening of the quadriceps, as well as for the remainder of the variables, did not show differences between the two groups after the training. This reinforces the beneficial effect of strengthening quadriceps muscle with isometric exercises in the functionality of patients with osteoarthritic knee, regardless if it is done using a fixed or a variable angle.
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