2021, Number 36
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INFODIR 2021; 17 (36)
Screening actions for the control of cervical uterine cancer in Cuba
Bermejo BW, Abreu RG, Gálvez GAM, Rubio HMC
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-22
PDF size: 602.33 Kb.
Introduction: Cervical uterine cancer is a worldwide health problem. Mortality rates are three times higher in Latin America and the Caribbean than in North America, which corroborates the existence of enormous health inequalities. In Cuba it is the fifth cause of death and the fourth cause of incidence in women, with a tendency to an increase in the number of new cases and a plateau in the number of deaths.
Objective: To show in two periods the evolution of screening actions for the control of cervical cancer.
Development: The results of a bibliographic and documentary review are presented, based on the descriptive analysis of the screening actions for the control of cervical cancer in each period. The selected variables were processed by means of descriptive statistics and shown in graphs designed for this purpose. This new organizational form allowed the introduction of the term package of products and services for the prevention and control of cervical uterine cancer, leading to an increase in the number of women examined and in the coverage of cytological screening.
Conclusions: The current organization of screening actions, allows controlling this type of cancer in Cuba and complying with the global initiative to eliminate this disease from the Region and the world.
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