2021, Number 36
Society and Information Systems
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 365.86 Kb.
Introduction: The information and communication society arises in a bipolar world that moves by leaps and bounds, it is characterized by the presence of continuous technological innovations, in this type of society.Objective: To develop the theoretical foundations on Society and Information Systems.
Methods: Theoretical methods were used with documentary review. The databases Scopus, SciELO, MedLine were reviewed. Google Scholar was used as search engine and Zotero as reference manager.
Development: the Information Society brings with it many social, cultural and economic benefits, which technology can make possible. The existence of global communication networks (Internet is a clear example), the increasing availability of access to them from anywhere and through multiple devices, the ease of sharing and distributing content of any nature or the delocalization of activities that can immediately be globalized are revolutionizing the world and satisfying the needs of people and organizations.
Conclusions: The Information Society and Information Systems are present and are part of the technological culture that surrounds us and with which we must coexist, since they allow us to develop our knowledge. On the other hand, Cuba maintains the process of informatization of Cuban society as part of its struggle to raise the quality of life of the Cuban people and to achieve an increasingly fair, equitable and solidary society.
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