2021, Number 36
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INFODIR 2021; 17 (36)
Burnout syndrome in university teachers of technical and social careers
Tarco MÁR, Llano ZGV, Carlozama PJF, Mejía GPG, Borja PTM, Guanoluisa CLA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 471.69 Kb.
Introduction: The presence of Burnout syndrome in university teachers is evidence of
burnout, emotional exhaustion, low personal fulfillment and therefore, decreased work
performance, interference in educational quality, among other effects on the
fulfillment of the objectives of the institutions.
Objective: To evaluate the manifestations of the Burnout syndrome in university
professors of technical and social careers of the Central University of Ecuador and
Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador.
Methods: An intentional sampling was carried out to 56 teachers of technical and social
careers from both universities, to whom the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire
was applied. For the analysis of results, descriptive statistics were applied with the
calculation of means, frequencies and the Chi-square test; Inferential statistics with
Spearman's correlation coefficient.
Results: The presence of the syndrome was determined in 14.3% of the sample; being
depersonalization the most affected dimension, influencing personal exhaustion and
personal fulfillment. Depersonalization depended on the type of career in which the
teachers work; while personal exhaustion depended on years of work, with a high
influence on the rest of the dimensions and the presence of the syndrome.
Conclusions: The research carried out is very useful for understanding the conditions in
which university teachers work; as well as the optimization of human talent
management that promotes high academic performance and the achievement of
organizational objectives.
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