2022, Number 1
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salud ciencia tec 2022; 2 (1)
The nurse’s assistance in puerperal depression in the absence of the support network for vulnerable women
Gomes SL, Bedóia AJW, Ramos SSÉ, Rodrigues ZAT, Albuquerque CSA, Facina BP, Alves SW
Language: Portugués
References: 20
PDF size: 154.09 Kb.
Introduction: the puerperium is a period in which the woman’s body recovers from the physical stress of pregnancy and childbirth, and may be more vulnerable to the manifestation of mental disorders. It is a neglected period of assistance directed to the mother, and most of the attention is directed to the baby, disregarding the psychological transformations that permeate the puerperal pregnancy period. Culturally, it seems that there is an expectation of the woman assuming motherhood promptly, without great difficulties, performing her role well, not having the opportunity to ask for help.
Objetivo: identificar casos de depressão puerperal em mulheres na ausência do apoio familiar e descrever os principais diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem.
Method: this is a quantitative, descriptive data analysis study. Its inclusion criteria were articles in Portuguese, taken from the last 10 years, with subject descriptors: Pregnant Women, Social Support, Postpartum Depression. Were part of the inclusion criteria complete articles of case reports.
Results: it is observed that women who did not receive support from family, spouse or friends demonstrate higher risk of having postpartum depression.
Conclusion: we conclude that the perception of support during and after pregnancy may be an essential and protective factor for many women not to suffer from postpartum depression.
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