2021, Number 03
Gastroenterology residents training: a pedagogical proposal for the endoscopic holistic care to patients with digestive system neoplasms
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction: In the process of the Gastroenterology resident training there are limitations in the care to patients with digestive neoplasms, which have their base in an scarce dynamics, while a visible polarization doctor-tools in the healthcare practice is observed, which is addressed towards the diagnostic and therapeutical digestive endoscopy more than to the preventive digestive endoscopy, as an indispensable part of the training process.Objective: To propose a pedagogical strategy, for the training of the Gastroenterology resident in the holistic and endoscopic care to patients with neoplasms of the digestive system.
Development: A pedagogical strategy is proposed to systematize the preventive-diagnostic-therapeutical and holistic care in the training of the gastroenterology resident, which becomes a practical and flexible instrument, that includes stages and substages, methodological orientations and an evaluation system which allows to articulate the clinical and endoscopic contents, in an comprehensive movement, through the diagnosis, elaboration, implementation and evaluation of actions for the training of the future specialist.
Conclusions: This practical instrument proposed is aimed at systematizing the praxiological-endoscopic training of these specialists in the holistic, preventive-diagnostic-therapeutic treatment to patients with digestive neoplasms, so as to reach professional excellence in the profession.
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