2021, Number 03
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients treated with blood-derivatives in a hospital from Santiago de Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: The use of blood-derivatives is an usual practice in hospitals and very effective in certain clinical situations.Objective: To characterize clinical and epidemiologically patients treated with blood-derivatives at Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany Teaching Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 394 patients that were admitted to Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany Teaching Provincial Hospital and received blood-derivatives transfusion was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, from January to June, 2018. The data were obtained from the medical records and for its processing the SPSS statistical package, version 23 was used.
Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the male sex (50.7 %), transfusion of erythrocytes and transfused patients with hemoglobin figures between 70 and 89 g/L (47.7 %). There were more transfusions in the General Surgery Service (43.2 %) and, in general, multiple deficiencies were detected in the orders of transfusions.
Conclusions: As for sex there were no significant differences and patients surgically intervened were those that received this treatment more times. There was no fulfilment of the foreseen hospital protocol and the omission of data in the orders of transfusions affected the blood safety quality.
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