2021, Number 03
Therapeutic effectiveness of calendula jelly at 1% in patients with aphthous recurrent stomatitis
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: The officinalis L Calendula fluid extract and tincture is usually used as mouthwash dissolved in water for the treatment of patients with aphthous recurrent stomatitis. Taking into account the inconveniences that generate these formulations a jelly at 1 % was elaborated with the active principles of the plant above mention.Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of the calendula jelly at 1% in patients with aphthous recurrent stomatitis.
Methods: A therapeutic intervention in 30 patients with aphthous recurrent stomatitis, assisted in 30 de Noviembre Teaching Polyclinic was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, from March to December, 2019. The sample was divided in 2 groups: control and study that received conventional treatment and calendula jelly at 1%, respectively. Some variables of interest were taken into account, such as: age, sex, pain regression and scaring time, response to the treatment and therapeutic effectiveness. The percentage was used as summary measure and the chi-squared test with a significance level of 0.05.
Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the 15 - 24 age group (33.3 %) and female sex (60.0 %). In the patients treated with the calendula jelly, pain regression and scaring of the ulcerative lesions were evidenced in the first 24 and 48 hours, respectively, and most of them had improved at 72 hours.
Conclusions: The calendula jelly at 1% is effective as analgesic and healing in patients with aphthous recurrent stomatitis.
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