2003, Number s1
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Gac Med Mex 2003; 139 (s1)
Access to Legal Abortion of Rape-Related Pregnancy in Mexico City
Lara D, García S, Strickler J, Martínez H, Villanueva L
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 77-90
PDF size: 181.20 Kb.
Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the process for obtaining a legal abortion as the result of rape in Mexico City, the characteristics of women who become pregnant as a result of rape, and access to legal abortion services.
Methodology: We conducted six interviews with staff from institutions that serve victims of rape and analyzed 231 medical records of women who became pregnant as a result of a rape and who sought services at a Mexico City hospital from 1991 to 2001.
Results: The process of obtaining authorization for a legal abortion is bureaucratic. Pregnancy rate as a result of a rape in this sample was 13.9%; for women 20 years of age or younger the rate was 66%. In 22.3% of cases, the woman obtained a legal abortion. The most important factor in legal abortion access was gestational age at first hospital visit.
Conclusions: Access to legal abortion in the case of rape is limited. When women are successful in obtaining authorization for a legal abortion, it is often after the first trimester and the majority of physicians refuse to perform the procedure.
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