2021, Number 3
The collaborative interprofessional work in the process of technical training in health
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 951-966
PDF size: 239.80 Kb.
Foundation: With the purpose of reach an integral treatment of the patients is necessary that the professionals of the different disciplines of health work of form joint in collaborative teams, collaboration whose scene is going to meet also out of the walls of the universities, where through activities of university extension, the students' formation is concretized.Objective: Argumenting the need of the collaborative interprofessional work in the process of technical training in health.
Method: A documentary revision in Spanish language and English are accomplished. They utilized themselves different bases of data like SciELO, Google Scholar and National Network of Information on Health (INFOMED). They utilized the following 33 updated references that they enabled with the utilization of empiric methods and theoreticians selected making reference to the interprofessional collaboration in the healthcare professional's formation themselves.
Development: The institutions of medical attention must embrace team's ample culture and I work collaborative in the one that certain moral values and beginnings share in themselves and get in touch of transparent form between the team's members. It is a process that includes the communication and the overtaking, permitting a synergetic influence of knowledge and grouped abilities.
Conclusions: It is important than from the own formation the students acquire abilities of work in team interprofessional stops at a later time to apply them in his professional development. The collaborative interprofessional work offers the students the capability to share abilities and knowledge between professions.
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