2021, Number 3
Regenerative periodontal therapy with blood components in Santiago de Cuba from a social and educational perspective
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 749-762
PDF size: 243.22 Kb.
Periodontitis is the first cause of tooth loss in adulthood and its treatment depends, almost entirely, on the use of implantation of structural substitutes to achieve the necessary restorative potential. The use in recent years of regenerative cell medicine with mononuclear cells, platelets and platelet lysate, has accelerated the process of soft tissue healing and bone regeneration. The results presented are derived from a professional improvement strategy aimed at the periodontist to improve performance in the application of this new therapy, as a research project, at the Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from September to December 2020. Its objective is to analyze regenerative periodontal therapy with blood components in Santiago de Cuba from a social and educational perspective.REFERENCES
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