2021, Number 3
Assessment of dental prosthesis quality service focused on leadership
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 28-37
PDF size: 147.98 Kb.
Background: In order to achieve dental quality service, some researches on its evaluation is conducted. Definitions among authors are diverse depending on the importance given to unlike scopes. So far, no proposal has been found that favors the leaders´ protagonism.Objective: To design a methodology for the assessment of dental Prosthesis quality service focused on leadership in municipal dental clinics.
Methodology: Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Though the documents´ enquiry that rule the quality evaluation process, highlighted dimensions and aspects to be considered in the proposal production were identified.
Results: The methodology was structured on the basis of the following stages: planning and organization, information gathering, execution and process control, also the procedures to be followed to conduct a systematic assessment and achieve quality service were established.
Conclusions: A methodology for the evaluation of dental prosthesis quality services focused on leadership and structured in three stages was designed.
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