2021, Number 3
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CorSalud 2021; 13 (3)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus: Cardiovascular risk and cardiac rehabilitation concerns. Part II
Pérez YLM, Gutiérrez LA, Rodríguez BS
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 348-360
PDF size: 337.63 Kb.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease and it is a common condition within patients with established cardiovascular disease. Appropriate treatment can improve the patient's quality of life and decrease morbidity and mortality from this and other causes. Cardiovascular rehabilitation has been shown to be an effective and beneficial therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. For this reason, 70 bibliographic references were reviewed with the aim of describing important elements of its treatment, which includes pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies and cardiovascular rehabilitation.
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