2021, Number 3
La Informática y los Laboratorios de Computación para gestionar servicios de salud
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 563.75 Kb.
Introduction: Informatics is a discipline that uses several sciences to apply automated techniques in data processing and the Computer Laboratory is the classroom with novelty and technological innovation in equal conditions of computer services for learning and teaching in the hospital.Objective: to describe the usefulness of Informatics and Computer Laboratories for the teaching-assistance-research management of the professionals of the “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Hospital of Villa Clara.
Method: a descriptive study was carried out with 135 professionals of some medical specialty as users of the Computer Laboratories in January 2019.
Results: the Hospital has two Computer Laboratories on the third and fourth floors of the first tower that provide personalized attention to teaching; the greatest frequency of users corresponds to the Surgery, Nursing, Orthopedics and Anesthesia Services and the Informatics Specialists carry out training courses for undergraduate and postgraduate medical specialties in the institution.
Conclusions: the incorporation of Informatics in the Hospital's services guarantees the management of automated products and applications that speed up the processes of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases. The Computer Laboratory is a physical space with educational means and innovative technological resources that activates the production of knowledge on equal terms, optimizes medical practice with the integration and exchange of information and makes science visible as an added value of the scientific research carried out at the Hospital.
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