2021, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2021; 25 (3)
Lower incisor extraction: case report
Medrano MJ, Mesa RNY, Faedo NK
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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In the orthodontic treatment, the extraction of a tooth may or may not result in the occlusion and esthetics of the patient. The first premolars are those that are most frequently extracted, mainly when there are inferior crowdings. It has been proven that, with the extraction of a lower incisor in cases of inferior crowding, a good occlusal harmony is achieved once the treatment is finished. The case of a 23 year old female patient, seen at Artemio Mastrapa Rodríguez Dental Clinic from Holguín, is presented; she had severe inferior and slight superior crowding, molar and canine class I ratio and straight profile treated with the extraction of a lower incisor (32). The advantages and disadvantages of the incisor extraction treatment are discussed as well as the importance of performing a "Set up" as part of the diagnosis process and treatment planning. The active phase of the treatment of the case lasted 20 months.
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