2021, Number 3
Nosocomial infections in the Intensive Care Unit of the General Hospital in Gibara: 2013-2018
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Introduction: Nosocomial infection reaches its highest expression in critically ill patients hospitalized in intensive care units or services, since they contain several factors that are determinants of this infectious complication.Objective: To determine the behavior of nosocomial infections in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the General Teaching Hospital of Gibara during the period 2013-2018.
Method: A retrospective, observational prevalence study was carried out. The universe was constituted by 1848 patients and the sample by 467 patients. Simple random sampling was carried out. The studied variables were age, sex, site of infection, type of infection, isolated germs, time elapsed from admission to nosocomial infection.
Results: The male gender was the most affected for 60.6%. The age range with the highest incidence was 60 to 69 years, constituting 19.6%. Respiratory infections had the highest incidence with 53.5%. The most frequent appearance of infections was during the first week with 72.8%. The most isolated germs were Acinetobacter baumannii (28%), and Staphylococcus aureus (27.2%).
Conclusions: The male sex, geriatric ages, acquired infections in the first week of admission, respiratory tract infections and the presence of Acinetobacter baumaanii and Staphylococcus aureus were the most relevant features of nosocomial infections acquired in the ICU of the General Teaching Hospital of Gibara during the 2013-2018.
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