2022, Number 12
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (12)
Buschke-Löwenstein tumor resection in a pregnant women: A case report and literature review
Castillo-Rosales S, González-Padrón E, Velásquez-Castellanos PI, Macías-Vera NN
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1010-1016
PDF size: 265.17 Kb.
Background: Buschke-Löwenstein tumor is associatted with the human papillomavirus
(HPV), which is considered a sexually transmitted infection, characterized by the
presence of a giant wart, exophytic condyloma with the shape of a cauliflower, slow
growth, but during pregnancy it can grow fast as a solitary condyloma, affecting other
structures. This case provides a better understanding of an unusual pathology, which
with surgical treatment was obtained aesthetic results and with adequate functionality
of external genitalia.
Clinical case: 18-year-old female, primiparous with 35 weeks pregnant, with no
significant history, 4 previous months begins with the presence of warts in the perineal
region with accelerated increase in size in the last 30 days, associated with intense
pain on mobilization, fetid discharge, and area of erythema and intergluteal irritation,
friable tumor with a tendency to bleed with areas of necrosis.
Conclusions: The Buschke-Löwenstein tumor is a rare pathology caused by HPV,
which can present accelerated growth due to the hormonal stimulus of the gestational
state, this tumor does not resolve spontaneously, so the surgical approach is considered
top of the line. The follow-up of these patients must be close due to the high rate of
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