2021, Number 3
Methodological strategy to prepare teachers for the oral exam. First Medical Care Subject
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 349-366
PDF size: 155.87 Kb.
Background: it is necessary to undertake a scientific-methodological work that guarantees the preparation of teachers for the correct application of the oral exam as part of the teaching-learning process.Objective: to design a methodological strategy to prepare teachers of the First Medical Care subject of the Defense Preparation discipline in the correct application of oral evaluation.
Methods: a research with a mixed approach was carried out in the field of higher medical education that included the stage from February to June 2017 for the study and development of a scientific-methodological work. Methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical level were used. The validation of the strategy was carried out according to the criteria of specialists.
Results: the main problems for the application of the oral examination were identified, among them stood out: predominance of questions of reproduction of the content, few skills for oral evaluation, and lack of bibliographies and time for independent study, that´s why a methodological strategy for the preparation of teachers in the development of the oral assessment instrument was designed.
Conclusions: it was valued by specialist criteria as adequate considering its methods and procedures to achieve the objectives of the aforementioned subject.
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