2021, Number 3
Biopsychosocial impact of older people infected with COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 30
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Objective: To describe the impact that COVID-19 causes on the physical and mental health of the elderly in Cuba.Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out on the impact of COVID19 pandemic in the elderly between the months of August and September 2020. Fifty six bibliographic sources were selected, 28 of which were cited in the article.
Case report: Due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, Cuba has prioritized the care of vulnerable groups, among which the elderly stand out. Within this population group, the most frequent non-communicable chronic diseases were hypertension and diabetes mellitus. They, as part of the comorbidities, contributed to an unfavorable evolution of COVID-19 in these patients. Recent studies confirm that the effect of confinement in older adults during the pandemic has led to profound deterioration of mental health in this population group. The family of the elderly has been a decisive factor, not only for the satisfaction of certain basic needs during the pandemic, but also for achieving emotional balance in the face of the challenges that the new virus has imposed.
Conclusions: While it is true that the quarantine situation and social distancing generated by COVID-19 can affect biologically and psychologically, it is possible to promote mental health from environments that allow people to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles.
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